Start-up Builder and Incubator

Conceive. Build. Launch

The world is evolving at an unprecedented pace. With a human-centric lens, we help clients harness technology, accelerate innovation, and scale effectively to realize long-term benefits for their businesses and the communities they serve.

About Us

Get to know us

Jari houses three ventures focused on different service capabilities catered to organizations across the size spectrum from start-ups and SMBs to large corporates, institutions and government agencies. Established in 2022, Jari (جرأة) is an Arabic word meaning ‘bold and fast’. In keeping with this name, we are dedicated to propelling growth through each stage of the business lifecycle.

Whether it’s helping start-up founders build MVPs, creating expansion plans for growth-stage ventures, or driving growth projects for multinationals and governments, we are a trusted partner for a wide range of strategy and implementation needs.

Business model

As a start-up builder specifically tailored towards ventures that have a technology-driven business model, we promote innovation in four ways


We perform comprehensive research to validate the size of the opportunity, the need for change, and the disruptive potential of the solution. Whether ideas are abstract or functional, this is an important step for both parties to align on a common vision and define the problem to be solved.

Laying the Foundation

Once we evaluate the commercial viability and technical feasibility of prospective solutions, our experts work with management teams and founders to start building the product. This includes forming business cases, investor narratives, pitch decks, wireframes, and potentially even interactive prototypes.

Value-Add Relationships

Through a global network of relationships across multiple start-up ecosystems, we help founders cultivate the right partnerships that can open access to new markets, bolster product development and innovation, and achieve successful commercialization on rapid timelines.


With innovative methodologies and tools for product and business development, coupled with seasoned mentors, we help founders develop the operating infrastructure for their emerging companies. This leaves the founding team free to focus on the things that matter – delivering disruptive solutions that lead to long-term success.

The Start-up Incubation Process

From building the runway to flying the plane, our experts prime new ventures through bespoke involvement across strategy, operations, technology, product, marketing, sales and finance.


Duration: 1-2 months


Duration: 6-9 months


Duration: 9-18 months


Duration: Ongoing

Client Results

Our Modus Operandi

Build New Ventures In-House

With the help of our in-house group of advisors and experts, we have helped 15+ start-ups to date develop and bring their products to market successfully. Our collaborative approach remains faithful to the vision of founders while adding analytical rigour, decisive strategy and operational acumen to the table.

Strategic Partnerships

Our partners are selected through a comprehensive set of criteria to uncover and realize greater value for our clients. To date, we have partnered with industry-leading venture capital firms to support founding teams in fundraising and new market entry. We are also consistently evaluating new prospective partners including companies, investors and thought leaders that offer an edge to client ventures.

Let’s Start
Reimagining Your Business

We look forward to hearing about your needs and seeing how we can help get your business to the next level.

Call us or send us an email and our representatives will reach out within 2 business days.

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